Photos by: Marisa Klug-Morataya

Interview by: Denise Ruiz

Born from Venezuelan and Guatemalan roots, first-generation Chicago artist Kaina, releases her newest LP “It Was a Home.” 

"This project is about going within and reflecting on your life, your needs, and your boundaries. With having so much time at home in the last few years I feel like I was able to find a sense of clarity and ability to exactly understand feelings that I may have been going through that had been overlooked.” 

With her latest album release, Kaina kicks off her North America and Europe tour Saturday night at the Metro with Semiratruth & Silas Short. 

"It Was A Home was a track where I realized I had some unresolved childhood feelings and seeing them for the first time and working through it. I've always wanted to write a song like it but haven't necessarily had the maturity or skill set so I feel really proud of it. Theme-wise and sonically, I think it is a really good encapsulation of who I am and what I value.” 

We caught Kaina at our favorite pie shop Spinning J, where puppets from her latest music video, Apple, made an appearance. 

"I think career-wise I need to be playful, I need to add some sort of humor to things otherwise it can get kind of bleak. For this project specifically, I was trying to tap into inner-child feelings and childhood show themes so I especially wanted to push that to the max whenever possible!"

Listen to these soulful tunes on all music-sharing platforms and find exclusive vinyl and all things Kaina on her web.