Lorimar Matos

Artwork: Lorimar Matos

Interview by: Tanya Bermudez

AmeRICAN, is a brilliant and vibrant expression bridging traditional and modern Puerto Rican American identity. Using Vejigante masks in place of Puerto Rican faces, Matos challenges the narrative on Puerto Rican individuality. 

Working on her exhibit as early as last November, Matos, a Humboldt Park native, admits she didn’t know she could paint people. 

“I was reflecting on what I could talk about...my upbringing, Chicago, trauma...it turned into appreciation for my culture that wasn’t maybe traditional and reflective of my upbringing. I didn’t have the typical Puerto Rican experience,” says Matos. 

But after a trip to Mayagüez, Puerto Rico to meet her biological father, Matos was saturated with her cultural heritage. That impact helped her embrace and appreciate her Puerto Rican identity. 

Matos uses family photographs to inspire her work. “[The painting with the yellow background] is of my brother who graduated back in June. I wanted to celebrate his experience being the first to graduate from college and I wanted to show appreciation that his efforts were valid.” 

With help from her mother, Matos created her modern collection of Vejigante masks. “I just finished this one yesterday,” Matos says with a laughter that echoes with anxious excitement. 

Her work, which fills the gallery with exciting color, is Matos’ first solo show. With a special commissioned piece work never before seen by her family, and a fun interactive element, Matos, has welcomed us to experience her Puerto Rican world. 

The AmeRICAN exhibit runs through Friday, May 27th, 2022.